Speech and Language Services
Most people think of speech therapy as fixing the “r” sound, but it’s so much more. The term “speech” therapy usually includes language therapy, which includes everything your child says, reads, writes, and understands.
Our speech therapy services cover much more than just the “r”!

Speech Therapy
The ability to produce various speech sounds is vital for verbal expression. Difficulties with speech can strongly affect the ability to be understood, creating frustration and low self-esteem, no matter what age!
We help build speech sound and speech intelligibility skills that are due to an array of deficits, including:
articulation disorders
phonological disorders (patterns of sound errors)
motor planning disorders (apraxia, dysarthria)
fluency, prosody, pacing
**If you have Oral Motor concerns, please refer to: Oral Motor and Orofacial Myofunctional Treatment.
Language Therapy
Language development consists of receptive language (our understanding of concepts) and expressive language (our ability to produce and convey our ideas). Our clients' language goals may cover any of the following:
delayed milestones: following simple directions, babbling, producing 1st words or 1st phrases (2+ words)​
listening comprehension​
building vocabulary ​
producing and formulating different sentences​
recalling and retrieving the right words​
utilizing other means of communication (nonverbal language development; augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)

Pragmatic Language and Social Skills Therapy
How we use language in our everyday lives is just as important as comprehension and expression.
At Gladstone Speech, we explore the building blocks of social interactions through play-based therapy, role-playing, social problem solving, and utilizing strategies for different conversational partners and for forming relationships.
We often address this aspect of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Social Communication Disorders.